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“The “Journey” is told through various paintings and narratives about the region and significant people in my life. From grade school to Gaugin. Some serious, many humorous, all have interesting stories to tell.” THEO OSCAR BERTZ
Theo Bertz’s book “Life’s Journey” is a colorful look at the artist and graphic designer’s work and life. Filled with Theo’s paintings, contemporary’s comments and insight into the work, “Life’s Journey” is a sometimes irreverent 80 (?) page look at the artist from the artist himself.
From the introduction to the book:
“1939 Looking back, how did I get here? Born to a couple of hardscrabble kids during the war in Wheeling, West Virginia, my father grew up in a coal mining camp and attended school only to the sixth grade before entering the mine. My mother, an English/ Irish girl grew up on a very small farm in the rolling hills of eastern Ohio and was a high school graduate and basketball leader. They were both intelligent and industrious people, especially dad who was so well read. This was during the war years and he subscribed to many foreign papers, which probably caused a few people to frown. He did not care, he wanted to be informed, so much so he had the only shortwave radio in town and would listen to broadcasts from Berlin nightly announcing the names of captured Americans. During one such evening we heard the name of our Uncle Bud, Mom’s brother, who had been captured at Bastogne. Unknown to the family, after being declared a POW he was sent to Auschwitz. I will never forget that summer day when he returned. I was uptown with Mom and some woman shouted, “Your brother just got off the Greyhound.” He was a shadow of the kid who went to war. He never really recovered.”
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