Theo Bertz Life’s Journey Note Cards Overview

“Coal Miner’s Abode” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”
“Dad’s Paint Brush 1940” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”
“Connecticut Lily Pond” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”

Beautiful full color note cards on premium paper stock. All original paintings by Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey.”

“Ohio Love” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”
“My Gypsy Tablecloth” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”
“My Lost Heart” is a set of six note cards featuring a painting by artist Theo Bertz from his book “Life’s Journey”

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